How it (re)started

The trigger to get a skateboard in my forties was our daughter. She was getting more comfortable on her balance bike and small scooter every day. At some point she simply was too fast riding on the sidewalks in our neighborhood. Walking alongside was not any option anymore, it required light jogging the keep up with her.

Riding a bike next to her was also cumbersome. Reaction time was too slow in case she couldn’t stop and rolled towards people or other random obstacles, or worse, right into traffic.

So I stopped by the local skate shop, Maximum Hesh in Somerville (good times!), and walked out with a cruiser setup.

There you have it, that’s my excuse.

It’s a sweet cruiser, still around, with slight modifications.

The first cruiser setup

The original setup was

  • 9.5” punk point (Eerie Pool Creep)
  • 159 Stage 11 standard Indys
  • 65mm Butterballs
Le Butterballs