The shoe is through

The shoe is through

The end of one of my favorite sneakers ever has come, the sole is through.

The New Balance Numeric 346 is a minimalistic mid skate shoe. I had it for a little less than 2 years, with more time on the board the last 3 months. Maybe all that no-comply slipping-the-foot-off-the-board gave it the rest.

When I got them, they took a little bit to break them in. It's a hard sturdy shoe, with good angle protection though and a pretty hard toe cap.

Unfortunately New Balance has discontinued that model. I would've bought it again. It reminded me of the Emerica Templeton mids. They also don't make those anymore. I'm just having bad luck with skate shoes it seems.

To mix things up a little bit on the shoe front, I think I'm going to try a low skate shoe for once. I've always had mids, mainly because I'm concerned about damaging my ankle, and try to give it some extra stability. Time to try something different now.

I've been looking at the Adidas Busenitz, we'll see how it goes.