Grip tape art

Grip tape art

I've never been super happy with the grip tape job the shop did on my Eerie cruiser setup. The grip tape wasn't wide enough and there was this small ungripped sliver on the left side of the deck. It does sound OCD when I says this sliver was bothering me.


So one day I decided to de-grip the deck, looked up tricks on YouTube on how to day that - TL;DR use a hair dryer and WD-40 to get grip tape and residual glue off - and apply a better grip tape job.

My inspiration came from a Video I saw with Nora Vasconcellos, and the amount of work she puts into crafting her decks. There's usually a lot of artsy effort that goes into the bottom of a deck (well except for brands like Baker). So why not also make the top look good?

After all...

You're trying all those hard tricks. You also want to look good doing that.
[Paraphrasing Mark Gonzales]

Because it's a cruiser, and I really like snowboarding and mountains, I cut out a snowy mountain scene to put on it. Some might call it Jones inspired, that might as well be the case...

New cruiser grip tape art