A choppy first

I couldn't wait to get out. Weather wasn't perfect this weekend, but there were a few >1m waves on the forecast.

It was windy, and the first beach I tried closed down because there appearantly was an incident were a surfer or paddle boarder hit some rocks. At least that's what the rangers said.

So I drove around the corner to the next beach. It's not as pretty as the other one, but will do. I had to park and change into the wetsuit on a pretty busy road. Not much space, less than ideal for the first time trying to wrestle myself into a wetsuit.

The waves were smallish, but supper choppy and I found totally unpredictable. Not only for the lack of my experience, but the broke all over the place.

After trying to wrestle myself onto the board for 30 Minutes I was totally exhausted and called it a day. Better luck next time!

Still glad I went out though, just need to get more mileage in.