All broken in

It took about an hour or so to break the new Ace 55 AF1 trucks in, the bushings to be more specific. The first few turns were super soft and carvy, and after a while the bushings seemed to harden up a little bit more. Now the trucks feel awesome. You get a really deep turn if you want it, but without feeling wobly at all.

The few grinds I tried - Slappies and BS 50-50 on small quarters with and without coping - also felt really smooth.

Taking the AF1 for a slappy spin

The intention of getting Aces for my smaller non-bowl setup, was to get closer to what I'm used to ride in the bowl. The smallish deck feels a little bit sketchy in the bowl, I'm just not used that I don't have enough room for my feet on the board, but  it's good enough for the small bowl, and learn and try things out. After all, I'm learning quicker on a smaller deck than on the bigger one. The bigger one feels more stable when dropping into the big bowl and carving with higher speeds.

Anyways, I'm really happy overall with the new Aces, and I'm definitely going to stick with them for a while.

Practicing back tails again, not yet there.