First dip of the season

First dip of the season

I wasn't quite sure about the water temperatures (13-14C), my 3/2mm wetsuit and the fact that I don't wear boots or gloves. There were some managable waves given my skillset, in the smaller than 1m range, and it looked tempting. It was a sunny day otherwise, with air temperatures topping around 30C, so I gave it a go.

And it was a good day at the beach, I'm so glad I went!

I managed to hold up only about 30min until my toes starting feeling numb though. Much worse than my toes is actually my shoulder strength or endurance for paddling around. After 10min of paddling I felt like that's it for the day and I have to get out of the water. But then the excitement took over, and I tried to catch a few more easy waves.