Ready for beach season

Removed the old wax from last season and put on a fresh sticky layer. In a more strategic pattern this time, compared to just randomly smudging it on. There's a lot of surface to cover on that 9'6'' stick.

Waxing a surfboard is almost as much fun as tuning a snowboard, or messing with bearings on a skateboard. There's so much anticipation!

Although Winter around here is the better surf season, more storms and better waves, it just doesn't work for me. My mental image of surfing doesn't include boots, hoods and gloves. It has to be warm. With Winter I associate mountains and snow, not beaches.

Anyways, water temperatures are still around 11C, but we have a warm week ahead, with air temperatures climbing up to 30C. The surf forecast has a few bumps for next weekend in the cards, so I wanted to be prepared to possibly head out to the beach and try my 3mm wetsuit in the freezing Atlantic Ocean.

We shall sea...