Broken pivot cup

Broken pivot cup

Paying more attention to wheel bites recently, because I got a new deck with wheel wells and want to see if they actually help and are not only a placebo, I started noticing that the location of the wheelbite on one side is little bit different. That's when I saw that one of my pivot cups is broken. Maybe that tiny bit of extra room in there impacts the truck turning geometry, and allows one side to turn more or different than the other.

In any case, I replaced that pivot cup. First I wasn't sure which pivot cups to get. The Ace Performance Pivot Cups say "Fits all classic and low trucks", but I have the AF1. Since there weren't any other pivot cups available I got those, and, suprise, they fit. The sit a little bit deeper I think, but they seem to work.

Let's see if that has an impact on my asymetric wheelbite issue.