Wallie, part 1

Angled skatepark bank

The other day I saw somebody doing a wallie to a frontside 50-50 on that angled bank/ledge. It looked so smooth, and so much fun, and also not to hard, something you could drop into your line without thinking too much about it.

I had to try it.

Getting up there wasn't too hard. Ride into with enought speed and press your wheels up and over the bank.

Worst case scenario: have my weight on the back foot, wipe out and land back first in the flat. Almost happened, and I walked away with bruised lower back.

Next time I'll start trying to fly out on the side of the bank and actually do a proper wallie. As I just learned, a wallie is the combination of a wallride and an ollie. So there better be some airtime in it.

Wallie attempt, and wallie fail