
Dislocated big toe

We had a nice warm November day today. Sun was out and temps climbed up to the 70ies. During my lunch break I went out to the small park nearby, the one with the nice red curb, a couple of ledges and the knee-high flatbar, that I'm trying to boardslide more consistently these days.

After 30 minutes in, and landing one decent boardslide, I slammed really bad, awkwardly bad that is. I must've hung-up somehow when trying to get on the flatbar, and belly-flopped off it. I could feel my feet being stuck while falling forward, not being able to pull them under me and building up tension. Landing on my hands first, followed by the left knee, then my left foot released and I rammed it with all that built up tension and full force vertically into the ground, toes first. It hurt and I could feel something is wrong. I wobbled back to my bike, packed everything up and rode home. It did not feel great whenever I tried to step on my left foot.

At home I finally took the shoe off to assess the damage, hoping that I had just banged it really hard. But no, the left big toe was awkwardly pointing upwards, not like a toe should in its normal, uninjured position.

We went to the ER where they did an X-ray and I found out that it’s not broken, just dislocated. The doctor gave me some local anesthetic and pulled the toe until it popped back in. I've had better times, but it's all good now as the toe is in its normal position.

Toe popped back into its normal position

Now I'm in recovery mode. Not sure how long it will take until I can get back on a board again. The doctor said a couple of weeks at least. That looks like a reasonable estimate, even walking is hard and awkward right now.

Bad thing is that we had travel to New York and DC lined up and I was planning on bringing the board and checking out some spots, like the new Riverside park.