
We're spending Thanksgiving in New York City, visiting friends. This morning I snuck out to hit the new Riverside skate park for a little bit. It was a chilly fall morning, cold and windy. My big toe is not yet a 100% recovered. I can walk almost normally, meaning I'm not rolling my foot sideways every step I make.

But as it turned out, without a big toe being at 100%, you can't really skate either. I can't ollie, pressing down on the toe is still painful. Every bail I catch on the outside of the foot or heel, which makes me worry that I'm going to roll my ankle and risk an ankle injury, which would make things even worse.

Other than rolling around, I did some simple tricks: no complies sort of work, but I'm super carful. Liptricks on a small quarter are risky, because I can't really bail and run out.

So I defaulted to trying a few slappy nose slides on the zig-zag curb. That curb must be so much fun when you can fully skate it. Actually the entire park looks really fun, well laid out, lot's of smallish obstacles, felt like the combinations you can skate this park in are endless. Can't wait to come back!

The problem with the zig-zag curb was it had a metal top, and the concrete beneath it was crumbling in a few spots. It didn't take long until I rammed my deck into the curb the wrong way and the metal split off 2 layers of deck's nose. Not good, I'm not having much luck with this deck at all.

Damaged nose

I guess once I'm back home it's time to setup the golden Pregrine Falcon deck. At this point I'm just superstitious and think I should probably stop riding this deck. Too many weird bad things happened in a very short time.