
It's a cold day here, 6°C below zero. Sun and blue sky bump the felt temperature a little but, and make it bearable to go out skate.

After a long time, over 2 months I guess, I went back to the larger park around here. The one with the pools. I almost had it to myself, which was nice.

Warming up takes a little bit longer, obviously. You have to push through the first 20 Minutes, they are bad. Cold hands, wristguards are no-go as my gloves don't fit over them, but much worse are the cold toes that need to warm up. Nothing works in the first 20 Minutes. You get out of breath quickly by pumping around in the pool.

Then, once you're over that initial cold hump, it gets much better. It felt good, and I'm glad I went out. A few standards worked, ollies over hips, pop shuv-its in the bank, slash grinds in the small pool. I stayed out of the big pool, it was full of sand and I didn't feel like brushing everything out. Also, without wristguards I'm not dropping in. My wrist would absolutely not be happy if I fall again on them.

Empty Lynch on a cold day

I'm working on frontside 180ies in the quarter, trying to get some air. It's still very very sketchy...

I took a short lunch break and then pushed over to the playground with the red curb. Perfect afternoon, pushing around was almost more fun then working slappies on the curb. I need to figure out powerslides on those 95A wheels I'm using now. They roll superb, but don't slide as easily as the hard ones.