
All the skateparks I go around here are fairly close. Close enough for me to bike there. It's quicker than going by car, and it's part of my warm-up, getting the blood going. Up until now, I was using a RVCA backpack with straps on it to carry my skateboard. That's a fine solution, but carrying big things on your back is not great when riding a bike. It just makes your back really sweaty, and I also don't like it in terms of mobility, turning around, anything that involves moving your upper body becomes awkward with a heavy thing on your back. Ideally you can put your cargo on your bike rack.

A couple of weeks ago I saw somebody riding away with their skateboard mounted on the bike just like a panier bag. I searched for that rack-type-of-thing, and found the Fairdale Skaterack. It's a pretty good solution, I got it and have been using it for the last week.

It's not perfect and I had to apply 2 hacks to it:

  • Put a cloth between the rack frame and skateboard. Otherwise it will rub off the grip-tape and rubber coating of the frame. Not ideal, but also an easy hack.
  • The elastic strap that comes with the rack is not great. It ripped a few days in. It looks like it's cut and loosely stitched together with a lifetime only a few uses. Not a big deal to replace it with a better elastic strap.

Otherwise, this rack makes it so much easier to get around town with your board! It's mounted super stable, doesn't rattle, and even when the strap ripped the board stayed on.