A Northeast Powder Day

Polar Express chair lift at Wachusett

It snowed ("flurried") last night and throughout the day. Late afternoon I finally got to scratch that itch, and go out to lay down some turns at our nearby small mountain. It's as close as we get to a powder day around here nowadays. Being optimistic, I can say there were about 10 cm fresh snow on the ground. 🎉

Tenth Mountain slope at Wachusett

The snow was a bit on the heavier side, but hey, who's complaining!

I still had lots of fun, stayed for about 2 hours doing laps on the longer runs. Hoping to find a few untracked spots, I took out my Sims Vanish. And boy that board was fun ride in todays conditions! I was blasting through accumulated piles of fresh snow, snapping through moguls, bouncing off side hits and carving on groomed sections. The Vanish does it all, and it does it good. I guess I also really like my surfy positive stance on it, and that it's so narrow, light and responsive, and switches from edge to edge without any effort. It's definitely my favorite board so far, so much fun, unbelievable!