Ledge Boardslide

Ledge at Morse Kelley Playground

This one took me a while. I think I landed one by accident last year, but could not repeat it. This time I paid attention to put the wheels all the way on top of the ledge, and down. Add wax to the top where the wheels would touch down, to have them slide easier. That was the easy part, getting into a boardslide.

Dismounting was harder than I thought. Every time when trying to come out of the slide, the board would rotate weirdly under my feet.

Many tries, never landed one.

A friend gave me the advice to pay attention to my hips, and make sure they turn away from the ledge when you want to come off it. That did that trick for me, focus on that hip rotation and boom, landed a few, at least more consistent than before.

Now I need to put a longer controlled slide down, and come out of it again.