Glassy morning

Nahant beach sunrise

I guess this is what they call "glassy conditions", what a fun morning!

First time I did "dawn patrol", got out right at sunrise on a random weekday. There was practically no wind, and clean 3ft sets were rolling through one after another. I was able to start angling my board better. So far I was mostly going straight towards the beach, which I mostly still am, but I start discovering the "turn button" more and more.

I guess one of my problems is generating enough speed for the turn button. The moment I try to step back on one rail, I kind of come to a slow stop. But at least I had a few waves where I dropped in more angled and found myself, I'm not gonna say "trimming", but going more sideways, and had enough time to notice the wave face, could see where it's going and breaking, but wasn't able to action on that observation and change course or so. Well, it's all practice, baby steps...