Back in DC

Skateboard on Capital Bikeshare eBike

For spring break we're doing a week long sightseeing trip to DC this year. The Airbnb we're staying in is not too far from Shaws skatepark, only about a 15 Minute bike ride or so.

Shaws Skatepark

I went to that park first time on the DC visit last November. The concrete here is much slicker, and faster, than in the concrete in the parks at home. Takes a little to get used to.

One think I want to learn are wallies, and there was that steep bank that I thought might be a good obstacle to practice on. Not vertical, but steep angle wiht a little transition at the bottom. Should be good.

Steep bank for wallie practice

So I did, practicing "wallies", rolling up the bank and flying out. After a while it clicked, and it felt like a substantial jump. I pulled out and placed the phone for some video analysys later on.

Wallie practice

Well, that was a disappointment. I swear to god, that little hop felt brutal when I did it!